Training for the 5K (or 5Ks as Megan told me)

Training for the 5K (or 5Ks as Megan told me)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 1 of Training (Again)

I started Day 1 of training all over again. Training included a warm-up, 10 sessions of walk-run switching (2 minutes walking, 1 minute running), and a cool down.  I did okay except for the walk-run times. I would actually forget and run longer than recommended by the instructions. However, I did switch between the two for 10 sessions and complete my warm-up and cool-down. 

Not bad for a second 1st day. However, I don't think I should have watched the cooking channel while I was running. It made me extremely hunger when I was done. 

1st Week of Training

I'll be honest and let everyone know that my first week of training did not go as planned. I did start the training session but found many excuses not to continue. Some of the excuses were: 1) I flew to Hartford, CT Wednesday morning to go to a conference and did not get back until Friday night, 2) I was working????, 3) sleep seemed more fun that running on a treadmill at 5:30 am,4) it was way to cold (this is very true!!) and 5) I needed to watch football with Ben??? . . . Okay. My excuses weren't that good but I'm back on track and read to go. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 1

Day 1 of Training (Monday)

I've decided to RUN a 5K for the first time. If you know me at all, you'll know that the extent of my running has been to the bathroom in between classes. I've never ran any type of race or fun run in my life. So . . . this is a first and I'm making myself accountable for it. I am going to blog about it and I've told my friend/colleague Megan. She promised to keep me accountable. Thanks, Megan.

I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. If I say it three times in a row, will it make it happen? I hope so.

Overall, Day One went well. I stopped the training session a little shorter than it called for due to some soreness(I increased the weight when doing squats at the gym). I also walked a lot more than it called for because I am worried about knees after my last attempt (Fall 2007) which ended in physical therapy because (as the Dr. and P.T. told me) I do not walk or run correctly and needed inserts in my shoes. Well, the inserts are in my running shoes and I'm ready to go. . . at least for today.